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Media release 15 Aug : Minns Labor Government refuses to Guarantee TAFE Jobs in Rural and Regional NSW


 The Minns Labor Government has today refused to rule out job losses across rural and regional NSW, as a consequence of TAFE NSW’s current restructure.

In response to a question from Shadow Skills, TAFE and Tertiary Education Minister Justin Clancy, the Minister for Skills, TAFE, and Tertiary Education Steve Whan admitted they are talking to TAFE NSW staff and “there will be some people whose jobs change and there is likely to be some whose jobs will disappear”.

The failure to guarantee that there will be no job losses in regional areas follows the announcement that TAFE NSW’s current regional structure will be changed to a statewide model.

Mr Clancy said with 200 job losses foreshadowed across several departments including administration, IT facilities management, and accounting, the Minns Labor government must rule out any of the job losses being in the regions.

“At a time when rural and regional NSW industries are confronted with acute skills shortages, the need for strong, well-supported NSW TAFE institutions has never been greater. It is outrageous Minister Whan would even be contemplating slashing NSW TAFE jobs in the bush.

“Country students already face significant barriers, such as long travel distances, limited course offerings, and fewer post-graduation job opportunities, reducing the number of support staff available to them will only increase these challenges.

“We need investment and growth in rural and regional vocational education and training, not the Minns Labor Government taking a knife to the sector.”