My immediate concerns are for the residents and staff of the Corowa Hospital Nursing Home. It is critical NSW Health ensures residents are properly supported and feel safe and secure, through what will be a period of change and uncertainty.
The local community highly regards the care provided by the Nursing Home’s Aged Care team. I appreciate Murrumbidgee Local Health District's (MLHD) commitment to ongoing employment and support, and I will continue to engage with MLHD to ensure this occurs.
I have met with Corowa LHAC Chair Anne Wescott and spoken with Federation Council Mayor Cheryl Cook. We discussed the need for service planning for Corowa Hospital to be brought forward; to give assurance that the health services provided by the Hospital will meet Corowa community’s current and future health needs. This is a message that I have taken to the NSW Health Minister.
With Aged Care a Commonwealth responsibility, we need to see the Federal Government support Corowa’s aged care needs, providing residents with opportunity and choice for care in their own community.